Guidon Brewing Co.
Guidon Brewing Co. (pronounced Guide On) is a veteran, American, German, and family-owned and operated company dedicated to the art of brewing high-quality, carefully crafted beer. Our combined knowledge of fine quality food and beverages from around the world drives our passion to provide our customers with the same quality we’ve come to know and love. We also strive to provide an enjoyable and welcoming atmosphere. This is known as Gemutlichkeit in Germany and it’s a word that projects a feeling of friendliness, relaxation and cheerfulness.
The Guidon is a type of military flag that represents the organization and serves as a rallying point for troops on the battlefield. We chose it as our logo because we want to be seen as the rallying point for craft beer. Each component of a military guidon has meaning and so does ours. The black and Gold colors represent my service with the United States Army, the “B” represents our family name, the “4” represents the number of members of our family, and the “2” represents our two countries of origin, U.S.A. and Germany.